A Weekend in Edinburgh

Having lived in Edinburgh across 4 years, I had many visitors bless me with their presence during this time. Multiple weekends have been spent acting the tour guide and I assume they’ve all thought I done a good job as they’ve firstly remained my friend and secondly had repeat visits year on year (phew!).

I like to think I’ve explored every nook and cranny in Edinburgh, but I know that it’s never possible to do so and will probably find things to do I’d not experienced before when I return.

In this post, I have devised an itinerary with many options to suit all kinds of travellers; the active type, the social type, the treat-yourself type or the chilled out type. Sit back and let me do the work for you, all you have to do is get on that plane/train/car and travel to the great city that is Edinburgh.

Areas to stay

Edinburgh is pretty easy to get around and the bus service is good, so you could stay in an area that’s 20 minutes outside the city centre and still have a great time. Below are areas that are nice within walking distance to the city, as I like to walk everywhere when I explore a new city and also if I listed every possible area to stay then I’d be as useful as a broad Google search.

Edinburgh Old Town
This area is just off the Royal Mile where the likes of the Grassmarket and Cowgate are. Great place to stay if you want to be close to the bars and pubs in Grassmarket and it is also a popular spot for stag do weekends and hen parties. Not sure if I’ve sold this area or deterred you from it after that sentence, the answer would give you the type of weekend you want this trip to be!

To get there from the train station, I would get off the train at Waverley and you could walk or else jump in a taxi outside the station. From the airport, depending the size of the group you could either taxi which would take around 20 minutes depending on traffic, or else get the tram/bus service from the airport to the city centre then walk/taxi from there.

Edinburgh New Town

With every old town there is a new town and Edinburgh isn’t any different. This area is right in the city centre, on the 3 main streets of Edinburgh; Princes Street, George Street & Queen Street. Here you will be in amongst everything and won’t have to venture too far for your morning coffee, afternoon pastry or evening cocktail!

You could walk here from either of the two train stations; Haymarket or Waverley, it would just depend where within this area your accommodation was. From the airport, as it is out of the city, you could easily get the tram/bus service or taxi it depending on your group size and desire for public transport.


This area may be slightly pushing the walking distance spectrum as it would take you around 30 mins to walk to Princes Street from here. Depending on what your depiction of walking distance is you can either skip this place or keep reading.

Enjoying a cocktailYou may find this a more student area of Edinburgh, being beside the Meadows and the University of Edinburgh. With student areas though come bars and nightlife so this place is good for being close to the hustle and bustle of that.

This is an area that’s close enough to the city centre that you can easily walk there in 15/20 mins but it is far enough away that you can get some peace if that’s what you want. .

This is the first place I lived in Edinburgh and I loved it. It’s especially good that it has Fountain Park, with a cinema, bowling alley, casino and restaurants so you could spend the night here without having to venture into the city. However, if you’re only here for the weekend I assume you would want to make the most of your time so the best of both worlds plan would be to start the evening here then end it in the city centre.


Home to one of Edinburgh’s train stations and also a stop on the bus and tram line to get to and from the airport, this area is an easy spot if you want somewhere to roll into when you get off the train/bus/tram.

It is only a 10-ish minute walk into the centre from here and there are a few bars and restaurants scattered in this area so it can be a nice place to stay for the weekend. It is on the right side of town for travel to the airport, zoo and rugby stadium so there is no hassle of city centre traffic (be it road or foot traffic) when getting here.


This is one of my favourite areas in Edinburgh as it has that true Edinburgh feel with the cobbled streets and Victorian style buildings.

I lived near this area during my time in Edinburgh and it was a popular place to come into for weekend brunch and a little walk around to let the brunch settle.

You could start here and slowly make your way into the city, stopping at the different bars slotted along the way. Getting home would be a bit more testing trying to navigate through cobbled streets in the dark, but sure that’s the fun of it albeit you don’t roll an ankle in the process.

I’ll stick to my strict guidelines so I don’t overwhelm you with information and leave it at that for recommended areas to stay whilst visiting Edinburgh. With all cities, as long as you feel safe and are happy with the accommodation, you can make a fun weekend no matter where you stay so you can’t go wrong really!

Top brunch spots

Rumour has it that a weekend away doesn’t start until you go out for brunch. Disclaimer: that rumour is completely made up by me, but I stick by it for sure.

Here is a quick list of my top places in Edinburgh and I’ve picked them around the different areas surrounding the city so you can pick and choose depending on where you’re staying.

The Pantry – my absolute fave which deserves its spot at the top of the list. Situated close to Stockbridge, on a sunny day you can eat your avo and poached eggs in the fresh air while you think about the next step of your day! If you’re with someone, I can recommend sharing a savoury and sweet dish as they are big portions so you get the best of both worlds. You could order 2 dishes on your lonesome but if you eat too much and feel sick that is neither my fault nor problem.

The Bluebird Café – a lovely little café down near Canonmills, emphasis on the little as it would only seat about 10 people at a time. Highly recommend it though as it has a cool feel to it and the portions are big which is always welcomed! I love the pancakes here and there are other deli/breakfast options which all look fab too.

Blue Bear café – this is also in the Canonmills area and it is a handy place to get to as it is opposite the bus stop on the line into the city centre. You can get your typical breakfast items here and they all look and smell delish!

Loudons – this is a popular café in Fountainbridge although I only have been for coffee before. There are numerous items on the menu and it is a huge café that always looks busy which says all it needs to really!

Coro Chocolate Café – it could be questionable that this place has made the brunch list as it is a chocolate café, buttt I would say it’s a must visit when in Edinburgh as it is v tasty and you’re on your holidays so it’s a perfect excuse to have chocolate for breakfast. You can get everything chocolate related here from waffles, pancakes, crepes, cakes, milkshakes and I don’t think you can go wrong with anything! They have 2 cafes, one on Frederick Street in the city centre and one in Canonmills.

Urban Angel
– a city centre location which has a good selection of brunch items and juices as well. A draw to this is that they serve brunch all day (to 5pm), so if you’re not a morning person then this is the place for you. Also, if you’re in the city centre and need an afternoon pick me up, the smoothies here are worth the trip.

Hula Juice Bar & Eatery – I haven’t eaten here myself but I have heard good things about it and the dishes do look tasty so that’s why it has made the list. With two locations, one in the Grassmarket area and the other in Fountainbridge, I would say this place is good to visit if you’re wanting a more healthy start to your day rather than a grease feast.

Things to do

Scottish man playing the bagpipesFully energized from your brunch and raring to make the most of this great city, here are the things that I love to do when showing people around Edinburgh. Some are obvious choices e.g. visiting the castle, but hopefully there are gems in here that you would’ve never thought about that add an extra bit of happiness into your weekend.

Edinburgh Castle – this is always the first thing on the list for my visitors whether it is their first or tenth time in Edinburgh.

The view from here is lovely and it’s at the top of the Royal Mile so it is a great starting point. Trying to get a photo with no people in the background can be somewhat challenging but it is possible!

Camera Obscura – located right beside the castle, this is a cool place for all ages as it takes you through many illusions. Probably not the best place to go if you’re feeling a tad queasy from a heavy night but it will provide you with a laugh all the same.

The Scotch Whiskey Experience – also located right beside the castle, you can book onto a whiskey tour or else visit the bar for a paddle if your time is limited. Even if you’re not the biggest whiskey fan (like myself), it is still a good place to go into as the setting is nice and the bar does sell other drinks besides whiskey.

Royal Mile sign – just walking down the Royal Mile is a great thing to do as it gives you the Edinburgh feel and there are always some sort of street performers providing entertainment to the public. There are many souvenir shops to pop into and a thing I love doing is visiting the fudge shops – you can try all sorts of different flavours and they are a great item to have in your bag for an energy boost later in the day.

Arthur’s Seat – this would be for the active traveller and if you like seeing great views (providing the weather is working in your favour).

From the bottom, it probably takes around 45 mins to an hour to walk to the top and it isn’t too far from the city centre so you could either get a taxi or else walk those extra steps for your warmup. I will note that if it is windy in any way on the ground then it will be around 10 times windier at the top!

Calton Hill – if you still want a nice view but are not keen on walking up Arthur’s Seat, then this is the place for you. It is close to Waverley train station and you walk up steps to get here – I’d say from the bottom to the top would probably take around 15 minutes.

The view of the city is nice and apparently it is a good place for watching the sunset. However, I would not recommend going here on a foggy day unless you enjoy walking to see nothing.

City centre – take a walk down Princes Street and George Street for shopping and can stop in at a café for a coffee/tea and a slice.

Princes Street Gardens – if it is a nice sunny day, these gardens are lovely to chill in and it’s a good spot for people watching. There is usually a wee ice cream van during the summer months to cool down with.

Grassmarket area – on a Saturday, there’s a market here which is a nice thing to walk around and see the different stalls. There are also cool pubs here which you can visit for a drink or 3 while you’re in the area. In the summer, the pubs have tables outside which provides a good atmosphere as everyone is in a good mood when the sun is out.

Edinburgh Dungeons – I went here with a group of friends on a rainy day and it was actually way more fun than I expected it to be! We really enjoyed the tour and I think my friend jumped and screamed more than all the children put together.

Escape rooms – even though I am probably more of a hindrance than a help doing these, I still find them very enjoyable. It is probably one of the few things that your group will spend the majority of the time shouting at each other but when it’s over they will all say they loved it! There are a few of these scattered around Edinburgh offering different themes so you can pick one which sounds best to you.

Edinburgh Zoo – the easiest way to get here is to get the bus, the journey then is only a 10/15 minute drive from the city. I was surprised that this zoo is quite hilly so it is a bit tiring walking around and is something to think about if you are bringing your kids and are pushing a pram. It will still be worth going to see the many animals but it is just something I didn’t expect as I just assume all zoos are flat.

Spa day – there are many hotels around Edinburgh which offer great spa days, some even coupled with a massage and afternoon tea. Groupon sometimes have great deals to avail of so it’s good to check that before you go.

Top dinner spots

Wanting to line the stomachs before a night out, or just looking for a lovely meal to end the perfect day? Then look below as I provide you with an array of restaurants that would make anyone happy. I love food and I also love getting good value for my money, so hopefully you can find something here that will satisfy those tastebuds.

Bread Meats Bread – this place is as it’s described in the name; Bread Meats Bread and it’s delicious! The burgers are packed full and the sides are great for sharing orrrr having to yourself if you’re the Joey Tribiani sort or after a big eat.

Candy Bar – I loveeeeee this place! When items on the menu are £5 how can you not go here over and over again. Not to mention that their portions are a great size and all food items are delicious. This is a favourite for me and I love bringing my visitors here as well.

Lebowskis – I went to this place many times for their White Russians and I have enjoyed their burgers as well. Great place to go if you want dinner and cocktails and it is close to the city centre so you can continue your night after lining the stomach.

Chaophraya – this is a chain Thai restaurant and I first visited their restaurant in Leeds. When I learned of their Edinburgh location I made sure to organise my visit right away and it didn’t disappoint! Brilliant Thai food and you can book a table which looks out to the castle as well so it really is dinner with a view!

Boozy Cow – yet another burger place recommended by me (can you tell I may be a slighttt burger fanatic!). This place is a cosy restaurant with plenty of funky cocktails on the menu as well. Every time I leave here I do feel like a ‘Boozy Cow’ but I love it and wouldn’t have it any other way.

The Mussel & Steak Bar – more of a fancier eat if you are wanting to celebrate or just continue your weekend in style. Located in the Grassmarket area, the steaks here are divine and I’ve been told the mussels are delicious too (I am allergic so can’t personally comment on the mussels). They also have a hugeeee whiskey list, it’s even methodically placed on the wall of the men’s bathrooms so they subconsciously want a whiskey after going to the bathroom, smart move!

Ting Thai Caravan – this has kind of got a fast food style vibe to it, where you can order very tasty Thai food. All authentic Thai dishes are on offer and you don’t have to wait very long for it to be cooked up and placed in front of you.

Gusto – another brilliant Italian restaurant located on George Street. The pizzas are fresh and one could be enough for your dinner and then lunch the next day – if you are able to stop yourself from eating it all in one go!

Burgers and Beers Grillhouse – this place is on the Royal Mile so is a great stop on your walk down the Royal Mile. Not surprised that burgers and beers are on their menu, they also have other items if that’s not your style. Although I wouldn’t think you’d choose a restaurant called Burgers and Beers in the first place if you didn’t like either of those.

Amarone – I have only visited here whilst on a work lunch, it was delicious and because it was a weekday they had a brilliant lunch offer on the menu. Great Italian food with nice portion sizes, you’re very likely to enjoy this place.

Dishoom – I haven’t had the chance to go here myself, but it’s made the list as it is a veryyyy popular restaurant and I didn’t have any other Indian restaurants to recommend. People love going here for brunch as well, which I am going to have on my own list to do when I return to Edinburgh as it is very intriguing visiting an Indian restaurant for brunch.

Drink spots for every occasion

Whether you want to have a few drinks mid afternoon whilst resting your legs after all that walking, or you are looking for a night on the tiles, I’ve tried to incorporate my list for the best of both!

Slug & Lettuce – this chain does great cocktails and even giant ones for the whole group! Much to my delight, they always have some sort of great offer which I love to avail of. They make a great Pornstar Martini and there is always a good buzz in the place.

Panda & Sons – they pride themselves as a cocktail bar so you can expect to get treated well here! With a vast array of cocktails to choose from on their menu, it’s a lovely place to take someone if you want to feel classy and be impressed.

The Three Sisters – during the 6 Nations, this is where I spent all my weekends no matter if it was rain, sun or snow. The outdoor area at this pub is great and they put food trucks there and a big screen so really there’s no better place to be. Also the fact it’s an Irish bar automatically makes the place 100 times better.

Tiger Lily – up there with the high-end bars in Edinburgh, located on George Street this is a great place to have a few drinks to get the night going.

The Dome – I love going to this place as it’s so grand and especially at Christmas for the beautiful decorations. It’s a place where you can go for a glass of bubbly during the afternoon or have a wine at night and it’ll be great at either time.

Copper Blossom – a lovely bar at the corner of Castle Street and George Street, you just have to navigate down a few stairs first. Take it slow and reward yourself with a cocktail/beer/wine/anything you fancy.

The Jolly Botanist – this is a dainty wee place to go for an after work drink or have your first tipple when arriving in Edinburgh. It’s located close to Haymarket train station so it’s in a handy location to relax after the journey.

The Standing Order – one of the many Wetherspoons in Edinburgh and I can say they are all great. What’s not to like about cheaper drinks and tasty pub grub! That’s all I need to say.

Any pub in the Grassmarket area – all these pubs are great to visit and have live music at different times. There’s never a dull moment here and it’s good in summer (weather dependent), the pubs put their tables outside as everyone loves a drink in the sun.

Fingers piano bar – this isn’t a fancy cocktail bar with high end prices, it’s a bar/club whose DJ is a man on a piano and it is great! It is a bit on the small side in terms of space, but after a few bevs you will be friends with everyone on the dancefloor and dancing like there’s no tomorrow.

Lulu – if you want a club that is in the city centre and has a good buzz, then this is a good place to venture. Good on a Friday/Saturday night, with a lighted dancefloor to dance the night away.

Hopefully after following this guide (or completely ignoring all suggestions) you have been able to have the best time in Edinburgh and want to come back time and time again! I already can’t wait to get back to this great city and to try more places so the above recommendations can grow and grow!!